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F02-N61黑醋栗 分享盒/ F02 N61 Black Currant share package boxed

F02-N61黑醋栗 分享盒/ F02 N61 Black Currant share package boxed

品名: F02-N61黑醋栗 分享盒
Product Name: F02 N61 Black Currant share package boxed
Ingredient: Taiwan Cane molasses (Taiwan No. 5 sugarcane), Taiwan Raw cane sugar (Taiwan No. 5 sugarcane), Concentrated black currant powder (New Zealand).
淨重: 96公克(12g x 8)
Net Weight: 96g (12g x 8)
注意事項: 貯存方法,常溫置於陰涼乾燥處。含黑醋栗濃縮粉(新鮮黑醋栗凍乾噴粉,製造而成,發生結粒情形,屬於正常現象,可安心食用)
Matters needing attention: storage method, store in a cool and dry place at room temperature. Contains concentrated black currant powder (made from fresh black currants, freeze-dried and sprayed with powder, and the occurrence of grains is a normal phenomenon, so you can eat it with peace of mind)
原產地: 台灣
Country of origin: Taiwan
有效期限: 12個月
Validity period: 12 months.
用法: 「沖泡飲用」:每包搭配120ml冰、溫、熱開水飲用。
Usage: "Brew and drink": drink with 120ml of ice, warm or hot water per pack.
"Sauce adjustment": add a small amount of water to thicken, instead of jam, dipping sauce, salad dressing, and yogurt sauce.
"Beverage mix": mix wine, mix soda, make smoothies.
好處: 紐西蘭莓果,莓果之王多酚最多、花青素為藍莓4.3倍、維生素C為檸檬3倍。搭配赤崁糖(去除酸味),增加保護力、手機族的最愛、養顏美容、女孩生理期可以喝。
Benefits: New Zealand berries, the king of berries, have the most polyphenols, 4.3 times more anthocyanins than blueberries, and 3 times more vitamin C than lemons. Match with red kangaroo (remove sour taste) to increase protection, mobile phone family's favorite, beauty, girls can drink during menstrual period.
$ 390
